

Aliases Madelyn Binoche, "Maddie"
Gender Female (she/her)
Age 289
Height 4’11” (150cm)
Hometown Unknown
Affiliation N/A

Orientation Lesbian
Alignment True Neutral
Enneagram 6w5 (sp/sx)

Grey Partner
Royal "Protégé"
Agent White Work partner (deceased)

Flowers grow from old wounds. This is not a metaphor. It will consume you.



Most of Black's youth has been lost to the sands of time. Paperwork was destroyed or otherwise lost during The End Of The World, and Black's own memory has faltered to the point of no return. Her youth exists only in foggy snippets of laughter, of tears, of human warmth, melting away between her fingers. In any case, it serves no use to her, so there is no use in remembering.

What she does know, however, is that a very, very long time ago, Madelyn Binoche worked for the One Concern. She had a quiet, white-collar job pushing papers for its administrative branch, approving this thing and denying that thing. Then, one day, for reasons no one may ever know, she chose to Transcend.

After seven months bathed in Ivory, she emerged a new woman, christened then as "Agent Black". Burdened and blessed in unequal measure, she would remain in her superhuman service for over a quarter of a millennium.

"The End of the World"


In His wake

After the dissipation of the One Concern, Black took her chance to finally retire. Once the last of the conflict was quelled, Black moved in to one of the handful of buildings still standing in City One, and made her home in what was once a sidewalk cafe. For some time, this was a lonely existence, and Black fully intended to hide away in that home, waiting out the last of her life in relative peace. This, however, was not meant to be.

She was joined first by Royal, who found himself back on the planet with no living quarters and was taken in by her. Then Royal adopted Oedipuss from Robin and Elro. Finally, her partner Grey asserted their presence long enough that they eventually ended up moving in with them.

Black exists now as the crux of a rather awkward family unit, whiling away her days doing puzzles and taking catnaps in front of the window.


"black is very similar to elro in her struggles and distrust with people. people are unreliable. they hurt her, or they leave, and in the end they're just another face to forget. extremely emotionally guarded because of this, but deep-down she is intensely preoccupied with human connection. she wants to rely on people, to feel secure, to have someone prove her anxieties wrong. but she also can't stand to be vulnerable. she throws herself into her job instead, because there is a familiarity and security in it that people don't offer her. hates being alone, but has resigned herself to it."



Robin: For a short time, Black seemed to mellow out a bit about Robin, even begrudgingly accepting her gifts of food. This all changed, of course, when Royal started dating her.

Royal: One could potentially say they have a mother-son relationship, just... tilted to the left. And scribbled on in black marker. And dumped in a river. Although there seems to be some genuine care for Royal, it's bundled under layers of emotional repression.

Grey: You would be hard-pressed to find anyone that Black cares about more than Grey. Although her soft side only comes out when they're alone together, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to discern that the two of them have an unbreakable bond.